Body art - Reptile

Body painting on semi-nude woman with Reptile theme.

Dragon body art

Green snake body art, making use of breasts as the snake eyes

Related posts:
* Body painting - Komodo Dragon

African Christmas Cards, American Christmas Cards

Christmas is a festival for celebrations everyone in the World make preparations to enjoy the day of Jesus's birth. But for African Americans the festival time actually start on December 26th with the harvest time ritual known as Kwanzaa. So spread the message of kwanzaa festival as well as the christmas co-relation through these african american christmas cards.

Happy Kwanzaa

African American Christmas ECards

African American Christmas Cards

African American Santa Cards

Christmas in African America

Body Painting - Fish - Koi

Body painting of semi-nude woman with fish theme. The fish species is Koi (or Carp). The problem with the painting is that the fish look bulged because of the woman breast. The artist should have draw the fish head on the breast. That would make the fish proportionate.

In addition, the fish color is not natural.


* Jan 11, 2009

Found the above shot that match the same model and painting motive. And the artist is Carolyn Roper of

Koi Species

Circle of Koi

Variety of Koi

Body Painting - Musical - Gun & Roses

Body painting with musical theme dedicated to Metal Band Gun'N Roses

Not sure though if Gun'N Roses like the keyboard.

Related posts:
* Body Painting - Musical - Series #1

Body Painting - Musical

Body painting of nude woman with musical theme.

Musical on the backside

Musical body painting

Lovely musical body painting

Body Painting

Body painting is a form of expression used by people who like to be naked to communicate feelings and ideas about the human body by using the body itself as the canvas. Such ideas may sometimes be of a sexual nature, but that is only a small part of the possible range of thoughts that can be expressed in this way.

It shouldn't be very surprising that people who like to be naked also like to paint bodies or have their own painted. It is a fairly common pastime at nudist/naturist gatherings and events, and other festive occasions where naked people are found.

A naked body makes a pretty good canvas for creative expression. In fact, the expanded possibilities for self expression that are possible when one doesn't wear clothes form one of the chief attractions of being naked for some people.

What people who are interested in the body as an expressive medium have in common with those who just like to be naked is a certain attitude towards the body. An attitude that is more detached and objective than "normal". An attitude that accepts, without flinching, the body for what it is, and then uses it to realize new concepts of "corpo-reality".

Is body painting an erotic thing? Clearly, it can be, just as certain choices in clothing can be erotic. However, it need not be any more erotic than other, non-erotic forms of appreciation of the body for its own sake.

Body painting - Smiley

Body painting of a Smiley face. See how the woman's breasts are turned into Smiley's eyes.

Added creativity: The naughty tongue make this one cheeky Smiley.

Body painting - Pumpkin

Photo of body painting on Pumpkin. The Pumpkin body painting prerequisite is simply, must be a woman and pregnant.

The above painting could be better but it is good illustration to give you better idea on how to paint a big orange Pumpkin on a nude woman. It is especially effective if the woman has a big belly.

Body painting - Puzzle

Body painting on a male model with Puzzle as the theme. Simple but neat.

Photo: Biffy Clyro

Stunt kites, parafoil kites, kite store, kites for sale, power kite, traction kites

Stunt kites, Kite flying are good activity to release stress of mind and body. Not Indian festival of Kite flying is just coming on 14th January, and then Indian sky will be colorful sky with different kites.

parafoil kitesparafoil kites

Kite storeKite store

Kites for saleKites for sale

Power kitePower kite
Kite windsockKite windsock

Traction kites - Kids kites - Kite lines - Kite tube - Dragon kites

Body painting - Komodo Dragon

Body painting on a male model reflection the reptile Komodo Dragon.

Artist: Carmel McCormick
Model: Levi

Body painting - Oriental dress

Body painting on woman model with Oriental Dress as the theme.

Photo: Ulf Scherling

Body art - Superhero - Spiderman

Body painting of superhero Spiderman (with nude man model).

Ladies, that guy's got nothing on this Spidey, cause this Spidey's got nothing on! And there's plenty more where that came from. [NSFW - be warned]

Related posts:
* Body art - Superhero costumes (Superman)
* Body art - Superhero - Ms Marvel
* Body art - Superhero - Poison Ivy
* Body art - Superhero - Wolverine
* Body art - Superhero - WonderWoman
* Body art - Superhero - Catwoman

Body art - Soccer - Argentina National team

Body painting on soccer jersey of Argentina National team.

Soccer body painting by VARGAS.

Soccer body painting by StrangeSports.

Related posts:
* Body art - Soccer - Barcelona FC
* Body art - Sports - Soccer

Body art - Sports - Soccer - Series #3

Part 3 of body painting on soccer jersey theme, by VARGAS.

Related posts:
* Body art - Sports - Soccer - Series #1
* Body art - Soccer - Barcelona FC - Series #2

Body art - Soccer - Barcelona FC

Body painting on soccer jersey of Barcelona FC.

Related posts:
* Body art - Sports - Soccer - Series #1

Body art - Dog face painting

The photos below illustrate face painting with Dog theme.

Face painting, huskey

Face painting, drunk dog

Photo credit: visit their Face Painting gallery.

Chocolate piggies on TwitPic

Chocolate piggies on TwitPic

Take a look on Piggies, Looks so sweet, looks like original!!! They are made from Chocolate. Shocked? But yes, These Big Pig and Six Child Pig are made from chocolate.  And these all are so sweet. You have seen first time sweet pig as chocolate. I also find this sweet pig while i was searching on net and fount this image at and i like it.

Thank you to post nice and cool image.

Chocolate piggies on TwitPic
Chocolate piggies on TwitPic

Body art - Tribal body painting

A tribal body painting on a girl from Africa. Look like the body painting is done for a ceremony.

Look at her ear !

Body art - Flowers

Collection of body art painting of flowers on nude woman.

Body art - Bird

Frontal body art painting of a bird (crane).

Purplish/white bird

Hand painting - Elephant

Artist Guido Daniele proves this with his special skills in body painting. Guido Daniele lives and works in Milan,Italy. In 1990 he developed a body painting technique, and his work has been used in advertising images and commercials, as well as fashion events and exhibitions. Take a look at these beautiful hand paintings, which he calls 'Handimals'.

Body painting on hand depicting an elephant.

Handimals: Elephant #1

Handimals: Elephant #2


Related posts:
* Body painting - Komodo Dragon
* Body art - Dog face painting
* Hand painting - Cat
* Hand painting - Dog